Times & Schedule

When does the church meet?

Hosting the Presence of the Lord Weekly!
Every Sunday at 3pm...

Join Us For Passion Event! ...in Saint Albans, Vermont. Passion Event is the name of our Weekly Meeting at COLWC and it's focused on the Lord Jesus Christ with prophetic worship that touches the Heart of God!


We realized that trying to describe our gatherings in terms of traditional church would be a short attempt at describing this rich and intimate experience we share with God at these times. The LORD revealed to us that we are not holding church services. Instead we are offering genuine expressions of Davidic Worship and Biblical Prophetic Ministry; fulfilling the words of the Apostle James in Acts 15. We are raising up the Tabernacle of David. The Bible describes that this type of worship has been lost and neglected. But we are restoring this ancient and highly blessed form of communication with GOD. Through this, the LORD HIMSELF is helping us to reach the nations; and HE is bringing out a people for HIS NAME sake. This is all described in the Bible and it explains how GOD is looking for people who will seek HIM out of every culture; and they will have the name of Jesus called over them. The LORD is the ONE who will make this all happen in response to our love and appreciation to HIM. HE has proclaimed it from the beginning of the world.