About Us

our work / our passion

City of Light Worship Center 

Hosting the Presence of the LORD Weekly - We live in a radical time. This is why we believe that the LORD is calling HIS church to radically abandon itself to a life of deep devotion to HIS WILL and HIS WAY... COLWC has been commissioned by the Lord to this place & time, to usher in HIS truth & the understanding of HIS culture.   Come and experience the raw power of the resurrected Jesus Christ at our Passion Event every Sunday.

We cannot offer you a spectacular light show...

...Only that you might see the light of the world through Jesus Christ.

We cannot offer you a man made drug...

...Only that you experience the "high" one feels while in the presence of the Most High God; Jesus Christ Our Lord.

We cannot offer you a chorus of singers...


...Only that you may hear the sound of heavenly melodies from an angelic choir.

We cannot offer you feel good messages...

...Only that the Word of the Living God may pierce your heart and soul.

We cannot offer you false hope for the future...

...Only "be of good cheer, for Jesus has overcome the world."

We cannot offer you good marriages & children...

...Only Scriptural guidance and direction into God's divine order for the home, which has already been established in His Word.

We cannot offer you a healed land...

...Only "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

We cannot offer you enticing words of man's wisdom...

...Only the power & demonstration of the Holy Ghost.

We cannot offer you a smooth & broad way to damnation...

...Only a rough and narrow path that leads to eternal life.

We cannot offer you a "once saved always saved" plan of salvation...

...Only the saving plan found in the Holy Scriptures: Repent, be baptized in Jesus name; and receive the Holy Ghost... he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved.

We cannot offer you position & power...

...For it is not ours to give; it is God who qualifies a person by His Word.

We cannot offer you a seeker friendly church...

...Only a church seeking God's presence.

We cannot offer you health & prosperity...

...Only as thy soul prospers, so shall ye also.

We cannot offer you a perfect church...

...Only a church being perfected till Christ be formed in us.

We are only a church filled with the fallen that have been forgiven & redeemed by the blood of Jesus...